How to be an eco-friendly student

Student life can be busy: studying different subjects, deadlines nearing, socializing, and working all at the same time. Being sustainable probably isn’t on top of your mind because it can take time and energy, right? Well, it doesn’t have to! Here are some easy tips that will help you be an eco-friendly student without requiring much time, energy, or money.

Mindful transportation 

Consider using alternative transportation methods to get to and from campus. Walking, biking, and using public transportation are great options to reduce your carbon footprint. At some of our Student Experience locations, you can rent e-bikes and e-cars, making your journey even greener!

Use less paper 

Paper may seem sustainable because it comes from trees and is biodegradable, but the truth is very different. The paper industry is responsible for about 14% of deforestation worldwide. Most of the paper created from these trees is used only once and then disposed of. Note paper, paper kitchen towels, and toilet paper are bleached and, when composted, can negatively affect the environment. When using paper, opt for recycled, non-bleached, and FSC-certified. 
In the world of digitization, the answer to using less paper is simple: write your notes on your laptop! You can use plenty of free apps to organize your notes, such as Google Keep, Notion, and Evernote
Are you someone who remembers by physically writing things down? Try out paperless reusable notebooks, such as MOYU or Rocketbook

Use less plastic 

Are you someone who likes to take a coffee-to-go into the lecture hall? It’s time to look at your habits. Single-use coffee cups are made with plastic-coated paper, so these are difficult to recycle. Get a reusable cup to enjoy your morning pick-me-up while being sustainable. Often, you'll even get a discount for bringing your own cup! 
If you’re not a coffee drinker but still use too many single-use plastics, it’s time to look at your bin. What kinds of plastics do you find here? Plastic straws, cutlery, bags, and bottles can easily be replaced by a sustainable alternative you can use forever. 

Eat vegetarian or vegan 

Creating a vegetarian or vegan meal at least once a week is a great way to reduce your ecological footprint. Finding substitutes for meat, dairy, or eggs isn’t difficult; you just have to be open-minded! Want to follow a recipe? Check out Love and Lemons and Oh My Veggies blogs for many delicious vegan and vegetarian recipes. 
Cooking together with a friend is even more fun and also very sustainable. This way, you avoid having leftovers you won’t eat while spending some time socializing. Good for you and good for the planet! 

Join our Hello Energy challenges 

You can find a Hello Energy screen in our lounge at all our Amsterdam locations. This screen shows the emissions created by the building and everyone living there. They also do monthly challenges where you can set tasks to focus on that month. On top of that, they share lots of exciting information about sustainability. Sign up to Hello Energy if you’re new, or log in if you’ve already been working on your sustainability journey.